Introducing Kasia Madej


Joining us as a Threshold Ambassador on the 2024 Babble Ride Across Britain is Kasia Madej.

As a full-time senior leader working in the energy sector, Kasia is used to juggling her training with the demands of a busy job. Despite this, she has risen through the ranks of the sport, eventually achieving her First Category racing qualification – an achievement made all the more remarkable by the fact that she only got her first road bike in 2017.

“I got my first bike road bike through the Cycle2work scheme, initially to commute through central London,” Kasia told us. “After two years of that, I discovered Richmond Park and slowly became aware of the cycling scene. I then joined a local club, the Kingston Wheelers, who introduced me to group rides, the beautiful countryside and Surrey, and all that cycling has to offer.”

Two years ago, Kasia experienced a severe crash during a race, breaking her arm and becoming concussed in the process. Keen to not let her injuries hold her back, however, she was able to train on an indoor bike within just two weeks, and said the recovery process actually added fuel to her fire.

“I experimented with healthy food, yoga, gym, and physio to heal and recover my body in a holistic way,” she said. “I had some racing goals that year, so those goals pushed me to work on recovery and not focus on fear, and I got back on the bike and racing as soon as I could. I was back racing in around seven weeks.”

Since then, Kasia has made a full recovery, but now wants to move away from the racing circuit and explore multi-day endurance riding. Reflecting upon her busy working life, she told us the Babble Ride Across Britain represents a chance to get away from it all. “It’s a chance to not think about work or life, just to concentrate on pedaling, resting, and eating, and getting through each day,” she said.

“I’m not nervous, but I want to ensure that I not only finish, but finish each section strong. I’m look forward to getting through the low points, and that rewarding tired feeling as you climb into bed each evening.”

“I’m not nervous, but I want to ensure that I not only finish, but finish each section strong.”

Despite her many cycling accomplishments – including two podium finishes at the Cambridge Gran Fondo and top results at numerous National B and A elite races – Kasia’s proudest accomplishment to date is simply having continually shown up, despite the challenges life has thrown at her.

“In a way, it’s easy to show up to a start line and do an event, but the boring training at 5 am on a February morning is what I identify with,” she told us. “Cycling represents discipline, continuous learning, and putting on a brave mask in the face of adversity, although I am still improving there. It’s a very humbling sport, one that constantly teaches you to devise ways to improve and not to give up when things aren’t going well.”

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